崩溃游戏和 BC.Game 脚本中的 2 倍速策略

2x timed betting strategy win

2 倍投注策略是一种有条不紊的投注方法。它在采用 撞车赌博 形式和倍投重点的游戏中尤为有效。该策略的核心是等待 "红色 "游戏。这些游戏的倍率低于某个临界值时才下注。



  1. Initial Setup: The strategy starts with a base bet and waits for a specified number of ‘red’ games (games where the multiplier is below 2) before beginning to bet.
  2. Betting After Red Streak: After the red streak reaches the configured threshold, the script starts betting, initially with the base bet.
  3. Bet Adjustment: If a bet is lost, the bet amount doubles for the next game. If a win occurs, the bet amount resets to the base bet.
  4. Tracking Red Streaks: The script continuously monitors the number of consecutive red games and adjusts its betting behavior based on whether this number is above or below the threshold set in the configuration.
  5. Bot Safety Check: Before starting, the script calculates how many consecutive losses (red streak) it can handle before your balance is exhausted.
  6. Time/Number-Based Betting: The strategy includes an option to bet for a certain number of minutes or games after a winning streak ends.


  • Strategic Waiting:
    Waiting for a specific number of red games before betting can potentially reduce the frequency of losses.
  • Loss Recovery Potential:
    Doubling the bet after each loss could recover previous losses in the event of a win.
  • Flexibility in Betting:
    The option to bet based on time or number of games provides flexibility in how the strategy is executed.
  • Safety Check:
    The initial safety check helps to prevent betting more than what your balance can handle.


  • Complexity in Tracking:
    The strategy’s effectiveness depends on accurately tracking red streaks and adjusting bets accordingly, which might be complex for some players.


本例假定基本投注额为 1 单位,连红临界值为 10 场比赛,连红后的投注策略为固定场数(50 场)。为便于说明,输赢是任意的。

游戏 #红色连线计数投注额(单位)结果(倍率)赢/输下注计算累计输赢(单位)
110 (开始投注)10.0x (输)损失1 * 2 = 2-1
12022.0x重置为 1+3
13012.1x重置为 1+4

  • “Red Streak Count” indicates consecutive games without a 2x multiplier. Betting begins after this reaches 10.
  • “Bet Amount” is the amount wagered on each game.
  • “Outcome” is the game’s multiplier. A loss is marked as “0.0x”.
  • “Win/Loss” indicates whether the game resulted in a win or a loss.
  • “Next Bet Calculation” shows how the next bet amount is determined based on the previous outcome.
  • “Cumulative Wins/Losses” tracks the net result of wins and losses in units.

Script for Crash game on BC.GAME & Nanogames

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使用 Crash 游戏脚本 BC.Game, 按着这些次序:

  1. 进入高级投注模式:在 BC Originals Crash game, switch to “Advanced” to see different crash 游戏脚本。
  2. 添加脚本: 按 "添加脚本 "按钮,输入要启动自动投注的脚本代码,为其命名,然后按 "保存 "按钮。
  3. 运行脚本: 打开脚本,自动投注并可能增加您的加密货币。
了解如何添加和使用 BC.Game 脚本
How to add and use BC.Game scripts screencast



2人评论了“2x Strategy for Crash Games and BC.Game Script”

  1. Hello, I like this script but is there a function where the script stops immediately after just one win and starts waiting for consecutive loses again before starting betting.
    Example: Wait for some consecutive loses, let’s say after 5 loses, start game, after winning once stop, start waiting for the 5 configure consecutive loses, when you see 5 loses, start game, after winning once stop.

    1. I guess, the idea is just counting the red games but u can edit it to stop at certain number of consecutive loses.


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